Frequently asked questions

What is the turn around time for our washing?

This can be specially arranged to suit your needs. We can discuss this upon consultation.

Is a pick and delivery possible?

This is definitely something we can offer you.

How does payment work?

If you have a contract with us then an EFT would be perfect.

What happens when I have a badly stained item that needs cleaning?

You would need to inform us of which item or items need special attention. If we catch the stain before is cured into the material we can get most stains out of fabrics.

Do you offer a dry cleaning service?

Yes, a quotation can be done on large and expensive clothing prior to collection.

Do you charge per kilogram or per item?

Depending on your load and contract or quotation will depend on the charge. We will make this an affordable amount either way we look at it.

Is there something we may have missed?

Feel free to send us an email or give us a call.

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